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Which Hogwarts Houses Would the 'Hamilton' Characters End Up In? Here's the Expert Opinion

By Vivian Kane | Hamilton | March 17, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Hamilton | March 17, 2016 |

It is a fact of the universe made known on Earth in the form of Buzzfeed quizzes, that humans require themselves to be sorted into pop culture categories. If you’ve ever been down that insomnia rabbit hole, you probably know which Buffy character you are, which Disney movie represents your life best, which Hogwarts house you would be in, and whether you’re an Angelica, an Eliza, or a Peggy.

According to Lin-Manuel Miranda, he gets asked for his opinion on a combination of those last two ALL THE TIME, so in between questions in a #HeForShe interview, Miranda asked the expert to help him sort the characters from Hamilton (side note: are they still “characters” if they’re fictionalized, musical versions of real humans? I suppose so.) into the houses of Hogwarts. Now, I guess the REAL expert here could be JK Rowling herself, but we know who has all the real answers.


Emma Watson was well prepared for this question and in true Hermione style, she came with detailed notes. Most of the sortings are pretty obvious, although there is a GREAT argument (which she can’t fully articulate, but I think we can see where she’s going, and is definitely accurate) for an Aaron Burr upset.

Sorting Hamilton into Hogwarts with Emma Watson

I talked to Emma Watson for #HeforShe, but not before sorting Hamilton the Musical characters into Hogwarts houses. Full interview coming up later today!

Posted by Lin-Manuel Miranda on Thursday, March 17, 2016

My only complaint: there’s a very obvious omission here.


For some bonus viewing, Hamilton’s YouTube account is releasing some bonus videos from the White House visit and look! They included women in the sequel!

Plus, prepare to have your brain fully melt with the confusing and incredible mashup that is Space Jamilton.

S dot Jam.