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Lin-Manuel Miranda Urges Us To Write Our Way Out With 'Hamilton Mix Tape' Track

By Kristy Puchko | Hamilton | November 18, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Hamilton | November 18, 2016 |

The days after the election, the Overlords gathered to make sense of a world we no longer thought we knew. After we grieved, we pledged ourselves once more to the fight for our country, for social justice, for a better tomorrow for our children. We erected a new logo. We pledged to write our way out, ever day.

Today, Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda gives us another anthem for rebellion with the latest release from the Hamilton Mix Tape. Inspired by “Hurricane” and its pivotal lyric, “Wrote My Way Out” features performances from Nas, Dave East, Aloe Blacc, and a autobiographical verse from Miranda himself.

“It’s up to me to draw blood with this pen, hit an artery.”

Sing it out. Live it.

For something smoother and easier on the soul, check out Usher applying his velvety vocals to “Wait for it.”

You can also write our way out by reaching out to electors for the electoral college. They vote in December. Sign the petition. Write to the electors. Call them. You can find contact information for many of them here.