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What To Expect When You're Expecting The Worst

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 18, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | November 18, 2016 |

Much like Trump’s transition team, I’ve been experiencing my own ups and downs as I process through the idea of a Trump presidency. Much of the shock and disbelief was due to the fact that I never, in a million years, believed this would happen. Like, if someone told me not just that the world was ending, but it was ending because hamsters had started attacking people all over the world. What? None of that makes any sense. These things don’t attack people,


and Trump can’t be responsible for … anything. He shouldn’t be responsible for anything.

Fittingly, it’s been Trump’s incompetence that’s been bothering me most the past few days. I’m still shocked, horrified, and heart-broken at the implicit acceptance of sexism, racism, and xenophobia that his election represents, but there is a level of disbelief that’s slowly coming into focus for me. People looked at this guy

and thought, “Yep. Sign me up for four years of that.” Because that new, cool kid on the block, who is both an outsider and somehow a very successful businessman with greater knowledge of how the country should be run than any other candidate is here. Which, like Vivian pointed out, is going to go totally great.

So I’m now in a previously inconceivable position: rooting for Trump to do well. Not because I wish any goodwill toward him, mind you, but because we’ve seen the lasting effects of poorly managed governments before and it’s not pretty. And as much joy as it brings me to find out that Trump is realizing he’s wildly in over his head, that also means, holy shit, we’ve got a President Elect who has no idea what he’s doing.

A successful Trump presidency is terrifying for predictable reasons. An unsuccessful Trump presidency is terrifying for a bunch of unpredictable reasons. At this point, I’m pinning all my hopes on a long shot: Chief Trump Strategist Barack Obama.