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While We Wait for Winter, the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Celebrated Wrapping Season 6

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | December 15, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | December 15, 2015 |

They say winter is coming, though from where I’m sitting in the northeast corner of the country, it’s unseasonably warm (59° F/15° C). Regardless, it feels a long way ‘till April and Game of Thrones sixth season, which most of the cast have finished shooting. According to director Miguel Sapochnik, the last day of filming is December 17th, and a wrap party was held at Belfast’s Ulster museum a few days ago. Here are a pics from across the webosphere, including Emilia Clarke and Maisie Williams’ Instagram pages:


These two warm my dark heart.

Sweet…Onion Knight.



#GoT6 Wrap Party was great, and thanks to @sophiet and @maisie_williams for the selfie! #gameofthrones #Belfast

A photo posted by Donavan Gallagher (@dvon316) on

Not that there’s any doubt left, a certain ***Spoiler for Season 6*** has returned from the ****Spoiler for Season 5**** dead, he was indeed reported an attendee.

Another long lost brother.

Brooooooos @sophiet @isaachwright

A photo posted by @maisie_williams on

(via Watchers on the Wall)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)