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The Mother-of-Jon Snow Theory Explained for 'Games of Thrones' Laity

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | July 15, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | July 15, 2014 |

NOTE: Spoilers abound, in both the article and the comments.

A few weeks ago, our Game of Thrones book-reader recapper, Steven Wilson, was driving through Maine on the way to a conference in Canada and made an overnight pit-stop at my house to watch that week’s episode of Game of Thrones. Obviously, I know a lot of book readers (they’re not exactly hard to find), but I’d never watch an episode of GoT with a book reader. It’s fun! My wife and I ended up talking to Steven for about two hours after the episode about all the fascinating differences and theories from the books, which added so much context to the television series, even if they did come at the expense of a few spoilers.

During the course of this conversation, Steven ended up detailing the theories about who Jon Snow’s mother is. Now, as someone who has only watched the TV show, beyond the fact that I knew it was the very question George R.R. Martin posed to showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss before giving HBO the rights to the series, it was not a question that I considered very much. But, and though there are kind of some spoilers herein, knowing this theory added a lot of context and actually made the Jon Snow subplot considerably more interesting to me because it means that Jon Snow is actually an important character and — spoilers — might actually have a claim on the Iron Throne.

Anyway, someone came along a few days ago and created a YouTube video explaining the theory with charts and visuals and evidence to back up the theory. Thanks to Steven, none of this is new to me, but it’s still nice seeing it explained with a pictures!

via MTV