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The Former Jon Arryn Describes His Brilliant Cut Death Scene, and Kit Harington Is Just Silly

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | January 27, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | January 27, 2016 |

Morning folks, and welcome to this week’s edition of ‘Speaking with the Dead.’ It’s not that I’m psychic, merely that Game of Thrones’ dearly departed seem to like chatting it up with press long after they’re dead and gone.

It’s clear from hearing Sir John Standing (V for Vendetta, The Importance of Being Earnest, Private Lives) relate this amusing Game of Thrones tale that we missed out on a great performance (both his and Lena Headey’s). In the scheme of the show and later events, it’s understandable the once and former Hand of the King aka Jon Arryn’s extended death scene was cut, but we can’t help grieving for what might have been. As you listen to the tale of how history was almost changed — the story he relates differs from both the book and series — close your eyes and immerse yourself in the wonders of a great theater actor, whose voice could easily lull us into an altered state.

I love that he gets fan mail for playing dead, and sob for the wicked Cersei and Arryn scene we missed. Would that we could see that whole unaired pilot in which GRRM had a cameo, and Daenerys and Catelyn were played by different actresses.

Speaking of playing dead, Jon Snow is still running around commenting on his demise. Well, Kit Harington is, and to the point where it’s just plain silly. Speaking with Digital Spy this week, Harington felt it necessary to reiterate his character’s status, despite the fact we all know we’ll see some form of Snow in Season 6.

“​I was hoping that there would be an outcry of ‘why?’ and ‘oh god, no, no’ rather than ‘thank god’. That was the right reaction as far as I was concerned! People didn’t want me to die, but he’s dead. So there you go, everyone has to get used to it.

I haven’t done Thrones in a while. I had quite a lot of time off last year. I’ve been taking it easy. And relaxing. When I realised I was doing this, I had a few months to prepare for it, and something like this takes some working through before even getting into the rehearsal room.​”

By now, anyone who has a lick of sense realizes that Jon’s mortal body couldn’t have survived the events depicted in “Mother’s Mercy;” clearly he’ll either be revived by Melisandre or ****Fan theory that may turn out to be true, but Not a Spoiler*** he’ll rise from his funeral pyre, revealing himself to be the Targaryen many believe him to be. Whichever way we see Jon in Season 6 — and sorry Kit, covering the poster does sort of blow your cover — why the need to keep talking about it? Declarations and denials aren’t convincing anyone of anything; let the mystery unravel itself.

See you soon, Snowy man! Game of Thrones returns April 24th.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)