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No Game of Thrones News You Want, But Here's Some Audition Clips

By Genevieve Burgess | Game of Thrones | July 11, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Game of Thrones | July 11, 2015 |

Apparently this year’s Game of Thrones panel at Comic Con was disappointingly free of interesting announcements or hints about the upcoming season, as well as surprise appearances/microphone hijackings by Jason Momoa. As we all sit around debating whether or not Jon Snow is dead and taking bets on when, exactly, the internet will spoil the news for us, everything seems to be proceeding normally for season six.

Despite the virtual information black out, they did give us this collection of the audition videos of several favorite characters in the Game of Thrones world. It’s funny to see polyglot Missandei bungle the pronunciation of “valar morghulis” and Melisandre flatly proclaim “I fucked up” in the middle of one of her spells. Frankly, I think the end of last season might have been improved if they brought back that exact line and reading for Carice van Houten at a specific point:

I suspect the term “audition” is being a bit stretched here as I thought that Gwendoline Christie only cut her hair after she landed the role of Brienne, so maybe a couple of these shots are from table reads. Still, it’s a cute collection and an interesting look at how these actors started to build their characters.