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Kit Harrington's Expression When Asked Who Would Die in the GoT Finale Is Priceless

By Grainger Heavensbee | Game of Thrones | June 16, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Game of Thrones | June 16, 2015 |

Asked a few days ago by James Corden who would die in the season finale of Game of Thrones, Kit Harrington was expectedly evasive. However, when Corden badgered him, suggesting that he could tell him who would die because “They’re not going to sack you,” Harrington’s face blanched in such a way that you could actually detect the despair overcoming him.

Here’s the long version. Skip to 2:44 if you don’t want to hear James Corden’s vapid monologue.

Here’s the short version, with the perfect Simon and Garfunkel cue:

via Reddit