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Kit Harington Would Like Fans To Get Off of George R.R. Martin's Ass

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | February 11, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | February 11, 2015 |

The double-edged sword of success stabs no one in the gut as often as it does George R.R. Martin, although given what he does to his characters, sometimes it feels a little deserved. But otherwise, maybe we’re all a bit jack-assy when it comes to demanding that the man get to writing and churn out his last two novels in the Song of Ice and Fire series. He’s like a parent who gives us 5/7ths of a Pokemon card collection, and then we get pissed off at him for not completing it.

Kit Harington has had enough! He thinks we’re all spoiled assholes who, instead of appreciating the Pokemon cards we have — THAT GEORGE R.R. MARTIN GAVE TO US WITH HIS OWN BRAIN SPACE — we instead choose to focus on what he hasn’t given us yet.


Here’s what Kit Harington had to say about the assholes online and their treatment of Martin, via The Telegraph:

“The only thing I get pissed off about is that, as far as George RR Martin goes, there’s a lot of fan pressure on him - a lot of nasty, manipulative, quite vicious fan pressure that’s aimed towards him, about his health, and about when he is producing the next book. I get quite angry about that.”

He added “It’s unhealthy, and symptomatic of many problems we have at the moment, in terms of people sitting behind a screen and firing arrows, which I think is an ugly side of our society.”

I agree! In fact, I think we should probably focus our ire at Kit Harington, instead, who — with Pompeii and Seventh Son — is actually a much bigger disaster as “the next great action star” than either Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Kitsch were in their efforts. I am pretty sure that the total domestic gross of both of Harrington’s huge movies are actually less than the opening weekend of John Carter.

In the meantime, I do not understand Pokemon cards AT ALL.