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Breaking News on George R. R. Martin's 'The Winds of Winter' Publication

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | September 10, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | September 10, 2015 |


I know everyone likes to pretend they don’t give a shit about when GRRM is going to finish A Song of Ice and Fire’s sixth book, but I also don’t believe a one of you. Those Amazon preorders will be selling like lemoncakes, and it’s ridiculous to act like you won’t be one of them. But, since the burning question has been burning for years already, every time we hear a rumor, we make snorting sounds and go…


so I’ll pretend I didn’t see you clicking on this post faster than you do that naughty thing you do in the bathroom. Never mind all the previous speculation that was just that; this time news comes via someone who would seem to be a pretty reliable source — Alejo Cuervo, editor of Ediciones Gigamesh, the Spanish publisher who “owns rights to the book” (and will translate TWoW) had this exchange with radio station El Mon RAC1:

Radio Host: “The sixth book will be?”

Cuervo: “It is expected next year.”

Radio Host: “In English, but in Spanish when will it be?”

Cuervo: “We have been promised the manuscript in advance of the release in English which we will translate, there won’t be a big difference.”

Radio Host: “But you are equally sure it will be next year?”

Cuervo: “Well, let’s see, confident…but a meteor could fall.”

(download the full interview here)

So, 2016! You guys, this could really happen!


(via Watchers on the Wall)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)