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Behind the Scenes of 'Game of Thrones'' 'Hardhome' Massacre

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 4, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 4, 2015 |

We’ve spent plenty of time discussing Game of Thrones negatives, and while our criticism still stands, I’m happy to harp on a good thing too. “Hardhome’s” epic battle — “massacre,” really, as David Benioff notes — was the culmination of a lot of ideas and planning, a director’s judicious hand, and obviously a lot of people’s hard work. In this engaging behind-the scenes video, we get a look at the thought and preparations that went into creating the scenes, from building that massive palisade and gate, getting the different wights’ looks right; teaching hundreds of extras to fight, and rigging the boats to capsize. As Kristofer Hivju aka Tormund notes, “It was chaos — you can’t fake chaos.”

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)