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Wow, Christian Bale Could Be Joining the Cast of 'Thor: Love and Thunder'

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | January 6, 2020 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | January 6, 2020 |


Christian Bale might be dusting off his superhero leather to join the highly anticipated sequel Thor: Love and Thunder. According to Collider, Bale is currently in talks to star in the fourth Thor film, which is set to go into production this summer. Thor: Love and Thunder will be directed by Taika Waititi, whose work on Thor: Ragnarok endeared him to critics and fans alike.

Marvel hasn’t yet confirmed the casting and details surrounding Bale’s role are naturally being kept under lock and key. The news is surprising, especially since Bale has stayed away from big-budget franchises following his stint playing Batman in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy. However, the internet never waits around long enough to ponder what changed Bale’s mind and many are already busy theorizing about exactly who Christian Bale might be playing.

The most popular choice at the moment is Beta Ray Bill. In the comics, Beta Ray Bill is an alien warrior who’s one of the first characters to be deemed worthy of wielding Thor’s mighty hammer, Mjolnir. The character was considered a monster-turned-hero who later got his own hammer, Stormbreaker. Obviously, this is all just speculation at this point since there’s no confirmation about who Bale will actually play, but the electricity that the casting news has sparked is nothing short of exciting. Bale and Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in the same room? Yes, please.

Thor: Love and Thunder also stars Tessa Thompson and Natalie Portman. The film is scheduled to be released in theaters on November 5, 2021.

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