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Watch the Trailer for Noah Baumbach's Adaptation of Don DeLillo's 'White Noise' For Netflix

By Jen Maravegias | Film | August 31, 2022 |

By Jen Maravegias | Film | August 31, 2022 |


Don DeLillo is a great writer but truly an acquired taste. If you’re not familiar with his novels you may recognize his name as the author of Cosmopolis, which was released back in 2012.

White Noise, DeLillo’s story about (deep breath) “a contemporary American family’s attempts to deal with the mundane conflicts of everyday life while grappling with the universal mysteries of love, death, and the possibility of happiness in an uncertain world,” is being adapted, produced and directed by Noah Baumbach for Netflix. You either love or hate Baumbach for Marriage Story and are probably as intrigued as the rest of us by the Barbie movie he co-wrote with Greta Gerwig.

Lots of weird wigs on a stacked cast in that one.

White Noise will be available in select theaters and on Netflix later this year.