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Toni Collette Is An Enemy To Romance In 'Madame's Trailer

By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 13, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 13, 2018 |


We love Toni Collette. We love her when she’s a reckless ABBA fan, an embittered party-girl, or a haunted mom. Soon, it seems we’ll love her as a superstitious and elitist American bitch in Madame.

Written and directed by Amanda Sthers, this Paris-set comedy stars Collette as an affluent socialite who refuses to risk bad luck at her dinner party by having 13 place settings. So, she gives her maid Maria (Rossy de Palma) a makeover, and strict instructions on how to keep a low profile as the 14th guest. But when the radiant Maria catches the eye of a wealthy bachelor (Michael Smiley), hijinks and life lessons ensue!

I know it sounds hokey. But the trailer’s a bit of terrific.

Madame will hit theaters and VOD on March 23rd.