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Now the FBI is Directly Contradicting the White House on the Rob Porter Timeline

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 13, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 13, 2018 |


All right, let’s begin here:

Asked on Monday if the White House should have handled Mr. Porter’s situation any differently, Chief of Staff John Kelly said, “No.”

“It was all done right,” Mr. Kelly said in a brief interview.

Oh really?


Because here’s the thing: Rob Porter, when he resigned, was up for a major promotion, possibly as Deputy Chief of Staff. That’s an odd promotion to give somebody who hasn’t received his security clearance yet, isn’t it?

But that’s cool, right? Because the FBI investigation was still ongoing. And as the White House said, they only knew about the domestic abuse allegations for a few months, and they were waiting to see how the investigation shook out.

Interestingly, Christopher Wray — Trump’s hand-picked successor at the FBI — doesn’t seem to agree with either the White House’s timeline or the fact that the investigation was still ongoing.

“The FBI submitted a partial report on the investigation in question in March and then a completed background investigation in late July,” Wray said as he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Soon thereafter, we received requests for follow up inquiry and we did the follow up and provided that information in November and then we administratively closed the file in January. And then, earlier this month, we received some additional information and we passed that on as well.”

Huh. Wray says they finished the investigation and closed the file in November, and yet, here’s the White House saying that the investigation was still pending. I THINK THAT SOMEONE HERE IS LYING.

I mean, clearly it’s one of those “he said/she said” cases, right? I mean, except for all the documentation that the FBI probably has. And the fact that the White House can’t even figure out the timeline internally. I mean, who are you going to trust? I think you just gotta go with your gut, right? It’s a tough call. But personally, I just keep going back to that statement the Chief of Staff made:

“It was all done right,” Mr. Kelly said in a brief interview.
