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The Trailer for 'Magic Mike's Last Dance' Will Talk Dirty to You

By Dustin Rowles | Film | November 15, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | November 15, 2022 |


Steven Soderbergh — who needs to make money to support all the amazing and not-so-amazing art films he makes that no one watches — has returned to direct the third and final Magic Mike film (although, Soderbergh hasn’t ruled out further installments based on other characters in the Magic Mike universe). The film stars Channing Tatum and Salma Hayek (who replaced Thandiwe Newton, who was originally case in the role) and has an international setting. The story is about … no one cares. Just watch the scantily clad pretty people dance.

Magic Mike’s Last Dance will open on Valentine’s Day 2023.