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The Trailer for 'M3GAN' Will Bury Your Body and Swallow Your Soul

By Dustin Rowles | Film | October 11, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | October 11, 2022 |


Have you read Klara and the Sun by Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Kazuo Ishiguro? You should. It’s about an Artificial Friend who is essentially being groomed to replace the daughter of a grieving mother. The trailer for M3GAN is nothing like that. It’s about a girl who makes an artificial friend after her parents die. Her artificial friend is very sweet and loving, but then the artificial friend gets very protective, and do not mess with her or she will break your back like a twig, eat out your eyeholes, and do a creepy android dance on your bones.

Ahem. Allison Williams stars in the film by director Gerard Johnstone, written by James Wan (Saw) and Akela Cooper (Malignant). The trailer is like nightmare fuel laced with mescaline — if Chucky hate-f**ked an episode of Black Mirror in the back of a Volkswagen Bug, this is the movie it would produce. Yes, you can use that on your movie poster, Universal.

M3GAN opens on January 13th.