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The Cartoon Villains of the AMPTP Strike Again

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 19, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 19, 2023 |


“As if it weren’t bad enough that most of the CEOs running these studios look like villains in The Purge movies, that many see the strike — in the short term — as a cost-saving boon, and that they believe the demands of the writers and actors are “unrealistic” and they’re reportedly willing to starve them out of their homes before negotiating, there is also the following incident:

“We understand that the safety tree trimming of the Ficus trees we did on Barham Blvd. has created unintended challenges for demonstrators, that was not our intention,” a spokesperson for Universal said. “In partnership with licensed arborists, we have pruned these trees annually at this time of year to ensure that the canopies are light ahead of the high wind season.”

I don’t think they’re being truthful!

The city controller is investigating.

Are we sure that the publicists are not on strike, too? Because the studios’ favorability ratings are in the toilet.