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Mortal Kombat – O.png

Test Your Might With The New ‘Mortal Kombat’ Trailer

By Andrew Sanford | Film | February 18, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | Film | February 18, 2021 |

Mortal Kombat – O.png

I remember two things about seeing the Paul Anderson Mortal Kombat film in theaters in 1995: that my young mind was blown away by that cliffhanger ending and that my mother left that theater FURIOUS. She wasn’t mad that her children had just been subjected to almost two hours of nonsensical violence. She just hated the movie. It took years until I realized why. It was poorly acted with a plot that doesn’t hold up under the slightest bit of scrutiny. Well, Mom, have I got a treat for you! (JK, she’s not gonna watch this)

Today, HBO Max dropped a trailer for their brand spanking new Mortal Kombat film. For those who have gotten this far without knowing what MK is (I say MK cause I’m cool AF), it is a popular series of fighting games that was once accused of inciting violence in children. The series was SO popular that Steven Spielberg almost cameoed in the film! It’s also worth noting that, despite drawing the ire of my mother, the movie went on to make STUPID money, have a hit theme song and spawn a sequel (which is somehow worse) and two television shows, one of which I used to watch after wrestling. A golden age!

For years the property has continued to succeed on the video game front but people (not my mom) have been clamoring for another big-screen adaptation. This brings us to today! While many people likely won’t see this version of MK on the big screen, it’s coming and it’s coming in hot! The film, which is produced by James Wan and will be the feature directorial debut of Simon McQuoid looks absolutely BONKERS.

There’s laser eyes, destroyed arms, exploding heads, and my personal favorite, frozen blood being used as a knife. Did I mention that, unlike its predecessors, this film will be rated R? Because it will be and they are clearly leaning into it. It makes sense, as the games have only gotten more violent and bloody and crazy over the years. It’s part of the appeal.

Will this new Mortal Kombat movie be enough to intrigue my mom? Probably not. Does it look like a fun, crazy, over-the-top time that will likely entertain me while I’m not sleeping and feeding two newborn twin boys? Most definitely. My guess is that you won’t need to meet all those criteria when you watch it, but it won’t hurt. And if you’re like my mom, just walk away mad, vowing to never take your kids to a stupid action movie again.