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Stop What You’re Doing and Go Watch the Nic Cage Classic 'Valley Girl' NOW

By Kate Hudson | Film | April 15, 2020 |

By Kate Hudson | Film | April 15, 2020 |


This is not a drill, I repeat, not a drill—Valley Girl, aka the best movie of 1983, is available for the first time on streaming platforms. Yes, you no longer need to guard your DVD of the true classic with your life, because as of now, you can stream it, baby, any time you want!! Excited by this news? You can thank Overlord Jodi, who alerted me ASAP to this momentous occasion because she knew that this is information everyone needs to know.

Excuse me while I put on “He Could Be the One” and do a celebratory dance for a moment—

This is the movie that sparked a life-long love of Nic Cage movies for me (you all know my thoughts on Con Air, I presume…) but for those of you who weren’t lucky enough to catch it in theaters, or via VH1’s Friday night movie in the ’90s, like I did—well, you can judge for yourself how awesome it is, based on the trailer:

It’s like, totally rad, you know?

Here’s the thing about Nic Cage, which is kind of lost in 2020—he was very, very handsome back in the day. My 13-year-old self had the biggest crush on him in this movie and very much wanted Randy, his character, to be my boyfriend. Plus, I was way envious of Julie’s (Deborah Foreman) life in this movie, too, mainly because her parents were super chill and hands-off (I mean, mine were also, but I had a curfew and she didn’t) and she had a pretty bitchin’ wardrobe, like, you know?

Basically, I very much wanted to live in this movie when I was younger, and even though I live in LA now, it’s not the same as Valley Girl LA where the Plimsouls regularly play in Hollywood bars and you can go from the Galleria to the beach, back to the valley, all in an afternoon. This movie is pure perfection and I’m so excited it’s more widely available for all to enjoy. Everyone deserves the magic of seeing a young Nic Cage ruin a prom…

…and to see Julie (a chick who is truly dazzling) and Randy fall in love against a Modern English montage. Have I mentioned how much I love montages in movies? They’re the best.

The soundtrack to Valley Girl is killer, too—Modern English, the Plimsouls, Josie Cotton, Sparks, Men at Work, the Psychedelic Furs, The Flirts, and more.

Naturally, even though I own this movie on DVD, I already bought it via streaming, as well—because you never know when the hankering to watch Valley Girl will strike and you won’t want to be caught out. I know what I’ll be watching tonight, and I hope you do too now that you know Valley Girl is back, baby!

Sparks, play us out…

Header Image Source: MGM/YouTube