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'One-Minute Time Machine': The Best Five Minute Short Movie You'll Watch Today

By Alexander Joenks | Film | July 29, 2015 |

By Alexander Joenks | Film | July 29, 2015 |

This short is technically from 2014, but as ABC insisted all through the nineties during summer ads, if you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you. It’s a time travel story, and a short and clever one, which is the best sort. Time travel stories tend to have one central conceit and so if you strip out all the extraneous plot, they tend to be very compact stories.

One-Minute Time Machine features Brian Dietzen (Jimmy Palmer of NCIS fame) and Erinn Hayes of Children’s Hospital fame, a park bench, and a black box with a big red button that sends you back in time a single minute.

It’s clever, funny, and kind of adorable:

Murder box!