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At Least Oscar Isaac Can Still Make Us Swoon

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 10, 2018 |


Do you ever feel like you live in three worlds? Like, there’s a life that you lead on social media, which is toxic and infected by politics, and it feels like everything is slipping away, but that’s also sometimes as inspiring as it is enraging and that sometimes the dark world of social media will lead you to the town square for a rally or a march on a Saturday morning with 1,000 or 5,000 or 30,000 other people who are living their lives, and that’s the second life. The one outside of a screen, where you’re picking up your kids from school or camp, or where you’re having dinner with the neighbors or hanging out at the beach or the lake with margaritas or watching people outside your window walking their dogs or taking a short trip to the bakery around the corner. But then there’s this third life. The one inside your television screens or movie theaters or iPads or your phones, where G.L.O.W. is on, or Ant-Man is playing, or Pose is On Demand, and Tessa Thompson is omnipresent, a world where incrementally things seem to be improving, that doesn’t always feel so lousy.

That sometimes brings you a trailer where Oscar Isaac basically plays a character from This Is Us: The Movie, where people fall in love and make grand romantic gestures and Isaac makes you swoon within the first 30 seconds and you know for an hour and 45 minutes sometime in late September, things won’t be so bad because you can forget about that first world and spend some time in the third world before driving back in the second world with your significant other while you’re hopped up on too many emotions and have a couple of drinks and fall asleep on the couch.

That goddamn Dan Fogelman can do a number on me.