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Jason Momoa Sure Is Talking About The DCEU Like it Died

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 11, 2018 |

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 11, 2018 |


Aquaman is kind of an odd duck. For starters, Jason Momoa’s version of the character was introduced in two films that essentially burnt the DC Extended Universe to the ground. Granted, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman survived that wreckage, but her solo film was a ray of sunlight in the otherwise grim AF Snyderverse and it hit theaters before Justice League farted out across screens. However, Justice League’s awfulness set the bar pretty low for Aquaman, which I still can’t believe made it to theaters and is surprisingly winning hearts and minds.

But here’s where things get weird. Even if Aquaman crushes it at the box office — which it’s already doing in China so, hello, sequel! — Momoa’s character is still a fish out of water (shoot me in the face) as he seems to be one of the few survivors of Zack Snyder’s Murderverse. And in a candid interview with HuffPost, Momoa doesn’t even bother denying that the first batch of Justice League guinea pigs are out the door as he starts to wonder what the hell he’s still doing here. Always a great sign from a star who only has one more film left on his contract.

“If they’re both out, then listen: It’s just the place they’re at in their careers. I mean, how many has Henry done? He’s done three?” Momoa said. “Yeah, I mean, like, you want to move on. I think if I did… shit, I have done three.”


I mean, Henry wants to just expand on something,” he said. “Ben is an amazing director that is of age, and probably he’s done enough. I don’t know how to speak on behalf of them, but I had the time of my life [on ‘Justice League’].”

But he doesn’t stop there.

Momoa continues to talk about each of his Justice League cast-members like they f**king died. (SPOILER: Literally none of them make a cameo in Aquaman. Not one.) Toss in Amy Adams’ remarks that she’s pretty much done with Lois Lane, and this is a very awkward message that DC/Warner Bros is putting out because it still has no clue what it’s doing.

On the one hand, Aquaman sure sounds like a fun time, and hey, maybe that’s all that counts. God knows I’ll be there. On the other hand, it also sounds like it belongs to a cinematic universe where nothing matters because it’s a raging dumpster fire of reboots, revamps, and non-canonical Joker movies that aren’t to be confused with the other maybe standalone Joker movie and/or 27 films starring Harley Quinn.

How is Warner Bros. so bad at this?