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Karen Gillan Has Seen The 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3' Script, Which Is Apparently Still Happening

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 17, 2018 |

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 17, 2018 |


Many moons ago, when the earth was still young and great thunder lizards roamed the land (Read: Just this past summer.), Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was fired by Disney thanks to a successful right-wing smear campaign that dug up old tweets full of very stupid jokes that I’m not about to defend. I will, however, say that those tweets were very much common knowledge when Gunn was chosen to bring GOTG to theaters, and Disney really shouldn’t be shocked that a dude who worked for freaking Troma pushed the boundaries of good taste on the regular. In fact, an argument could be made that maybe Disney shouldn’t have hired Gunn at all because, as we’re continually learning, they have an entire machine in place that keeps these things on autopilot. But I’m getting away from the point, and that’s Disney falling for some “both sides” bullshit, which put the future of one of its more lucrative franchises in jeopardy. It was a rare misstep for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which for the most part has been chugging along effortlessly while its closest competition is still twitching on the tracks 20 stations behind.

Anyway, outside of Dave Bautista, the GOTG cast took great pains to support Gunn while also making it clear that they don’t plan on rocking their Disney contracts. “We all love James and he’s a good friend of ours, but we also really love playing the Guardians of the Galaxy,” said the Worst Chris between abstinence vows or whatever the hell he’s doing these days. God, we were so fooled by Andy Dwyer…

Except all of that became a moot point when Disney put Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on hold and online speculation started wondering if Marvel was even going to bother with the franchise post-Infinity War. On top of that, Disney made it very clear that Gunn was not coming back, which he cemented by running right over to DC and boarding the Suicide Squad reboot. So it sure as hell looked like the Guardians were done until Nebula actress Karen Gillan dropped a bomb over the weekend.


“Our director won’t be with us any longer but we are excited to continue the Guardians of the Galaxy story and keep delivering to the fans,” says Gillan. “That’s the most important thing. I don’t have any details as to when [the next Guardians film will come out] but there’s a script in existence.”

She cheekily adds, “I may have had a little teeny peek, but I can’t say anything.”

As for whether that script is the one written by Gunn before he became a blood sacrifice to right-wing trolls incensed over Roseanne, no one’s saying. But what is clear is that “We’re doing it for the fans” is the talking point going forward even though it’s entirely unnecessary at this point.

Is anyone who loves Marvel movies really going to skip one because a director got fired, especially when these things are more intertwined than ever? Not a chance. Are we all going to rub our eyes one day and ask hard questions about why we’ve become so emotionally invested in whether or not Disney continues to make billions of dollars farting out three comic book movies a year? Sure won’t. Will someone agree with me that GOTG Vol. 2 was actually bad and Chris Pratt phoned it in, which in fairness made his Infinity War performance much better by comparison? … No? Dammit.