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Jamie Lee Curtis Knives Out.png

First Trailer for Rian Johnson's 'Knives Out' Offers Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, and Murder!

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | July 2, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | July 2, 2019 |

Jamie Lee Curtis Knives Out.png

After making the twelfth highest grossing movie of all time and helping to revitalize one of the most beloved cinematic franchises of our generation, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson pretty much has the freedom to make whatever the hell he wants. And it turns out what he wants to make is an old-school murder mystery. Think Agatha Christie with more b*tchy Americans.

The first trailer for Knives Out dropped today and we are stoked. It’s got a cast to die for, an intriguing hook, it’s wearing its genre inspirations proudly on its sleeve, and also there are lots of knives. Like, f*cktons of knives. Hey, when your title makes that kind of promise, you go all out.

The story revolves around a family gathering gone wrong as the patriarch of the Robinson family, played by Christopher Plummer, dies under mysterious circumstances. Two detectives, played by Daniel Craig and Lakeith Stanfield, are sent to investigate, and the family are not exactly willing to co-operate. The extended Robinson clan includes Toni Collette, Don Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, and Katherine Langford. And yes, that is the accent Craig has committed to. We celebrate risk takers.

We don’t really get these kinds of stories on the big screen anymore, and we can’t let Kenneth Branagh remake all the Poirot classics - we just can’t, people, it’s not fair to any of us - so I’m all in on Rian Johnson reviving the genre. I can’t wait for Star Wars fans to now claim he’s ruining their precious childhoods by desecrating murder mysteries, Daniel Craig’s accent, and/or knives. Bring it!

Header Image Source: YouTube // Lionsgate