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Coffee Time with Korg & Deadpool

By Jen Maravegias | Film | July 14, 2021 |

By Jen Maravegias | Film | July 14, 2021 |


Ryan Reynolds has a knack for basically everything. Is there anything this charming bastard isn’t good at, Green Lantern notwithstanding? He has that Aviation gin company that recently sold to Diageo for $610 million. He’s got Mint Mobile (and Rick Moranis!), a lovely wife who seems to keep up with his sense of humor, and a very successful movie career. He doesn’t also need to be good at marketing. But he is.

While any Chris, Rob, or William could shoot a basic intro for their movie promo, Ryan went above and beyond for Free Guy, enlisting a little help from a big friend.

Talk about cross-marketing synergy!

I have a few questions, though. Does Korg think his name is Paul? When are we getting a Deadpool 3? Just how big are the space avocados who raised Korg? Or, does he think rocks are edible? Are Korg and Deadpool available to make promos for other movies? If so, we should definitely recruit them for this site.

Free Guy opens in theaters (and in theaters only) on August 13th.