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'Clerks III' Trailer: As Endearing As It Is Insufferable, Or As Insufferable As It Is Endearing

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 6, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | July 6, 2022 |


Look: If you don’t like Kevin Smith, don’t even bother to watch the trailer. If you love Kevin Smith, everything that you love about him will be in this trailer. If you have a love/hate relationship with Kevin Smith, you will both love and hate this trailer equally.

Clerks III, like The Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, is basically another mash-up of the Kevin Smith universe, a big crowd-pleasing, sloppy wet kiss to all the inside jokes and cameos that Kevin Smith has ever been a part of, plus his heart attack. Also, Ben Affleck makes a cameo.

Basically, for Gen Xers, it’s the kind of movie that will hit us squarely in the feels even though we should know better. It’s like a movie Dad joke: We groan because we love. Actually, it’s not even a Dad joke: It’s a callback to a 30-year-old Dad joke.

Clerks III arrives in theaters this fall. Snootchies.