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'Blood Red Sky' Puts Vampires on a Plane. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

By Nate Parker | Film | June 29, 2021 |

By Nate Parker | Film | June 29, 2021 |


I hate planes. No joke, I flew for the first time 10 days before 9/11. I hadn’t come home yet when the towers fell and when I did it was through airports filled with soldiers armed with M-16s and attack dogs. But that was only the paranoia icing on a cake made of 2 parts acrophobia and 3 parts being out of control of my own fate. I don’t even like to ride in the passenger seat of a car, so hurtling through the air at 550mph in an aluminum can 42,000 feet above the ground provokes mild panic best treated with Dramamine and bourbon. Even blood-sucking fiends seem less daunting when compared to the mortal terror of air travel.


Maybe that’s why Nadja brought her 9yr old son on a transatlantic flight even though she has a… condition. Don’t worry, she’s got meds and a doctor who promises a cure in New York. What could go wrong in 8 hours? Enter Dominic Purcell, never a good sign.


Dominic, who is not the vampire this time, has a crew and a job. All they need is time to get it done, and everything’s going fine when Evil Steve Zahn shoots Nadja and kidnaps her son. And then, well… See for yourself.

Yikes. Things get pretty grim. It looks like we have a vampire on a killing spree making more vampires, potential death by sunburn, military choppers, and I bet at least one officer growls “we can’t allow that plane to land” with a straight face. My money’s on Graham McTavish (seriously, watch Men in Kilts). I still say the plane itself is the most terrifying thing there, but a woman turning into Rick Scott a vampire when you’re sealed in a tube with it is pretty scary too.


Starring Peri Baumeister as Nadja, Roland Møller, and Alexander Scheer, Blood Red Sky dawns on July 24 and looks like a grisly good time.