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The Third Season of 'Fargo' Looks More 'Fargo' Than Ever

By Dustin Rowles | Fargo | March 29, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Fargo | March 29, 2017 |

Here’s an extended trailer for season 3 of Fargo, which seems — based on the trailer, at least — to pick up on a few more of the comedic elements of the original movie. It’s a very Coen Brothers-esque trailer, and suggests that this season of Fargo is even more Fargo than previous seasons.

Set in 2010, season 3 of Fargo stars Ewan McGregor as brothers Emmit and Ray Stussy, one of whom is a former successful real estate mogul and the other a deadbeat parole officer who blames his brother for his downward plight. Carrie Coon also stars as a recently divorced police chief, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ray’s girlfriend — and one of his parolees. Michael Stuhlbarg, David Thewlis, Scoot McNairy, and Jim Gaffigan also star. We’re also hoping that Alison Tolman makes a sneaky appearance in the third season, as well.