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'Jurassic World' Raptors Undergo Sex-Change Because Boys Won't Play With Clever Girls

By Kristy Puchko | Eloquent Eloquence | June 25, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Eloquent Eloquence | June 25, 2015 |

One of the most quoted lines from Jurassic Park is the doomed hunter acknowledging his defeat to the flesh-craving raptors with “Clever girl.” But you know who can’t handle the idea that dinosaurs can be ferocious and female? Little boys. Or so thinks Hasbro.

The Geekiary (via UpRoxx) has uncovered something strange on the packaging of Jurassic World’s Blue action figure. The female dinosaur is solely described by male pronouns. The same goes for Blue’s sisters, Charlie, Delta, and Echo.


Maybe this was an egregious typo? Considering you’ll find these in the “Boys” section of toy stores, we’re going with no. More likely Hasbro feared little boys might be less likely to buy a bleeding dino doll if it was identified as female. Or maybe they fear parents won’t buy boys toys that are girls, even if they are dinos. Or maybe they assume girls don’t like dinosaurs, and so who cares about representing that gender even if it’s accurate to the film the toys are promoting. Or maybe it’s a sexist hat trick!


Hasbro, you and Marvel need to get your shit together. This is dumb.

Kristy Puchko can’t even sometimes.