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Your Evening Awesome: 'You're The Worst's' Lindsay Asked Matt McGorry About Feminist Dating

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 28, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 28, 2015 |

One of the best things about Twitter is when two people you admire separately are suddenly interacting in front of your very eyes, sometimes about super cool stuff like feminism or where to fid the best doughnuts. (The worst thing about Twitter is pretty much everything else.) That’s what happened over the weekend, when Kether Donohue, AKA Lindsay from You’re the Worst:


—proved she’s nobody’s Kelly Rowland by starting an awesome dialogue with Matt McGorry on his new favorite subject: feminism.

And Matt McGorry, as per usual, put way more time and thought into his answer than pretty much anyone else would have.

Complicated, yes. But he did his best anyway.


Yes, I’m pretty sure it is, Lindsay.