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‘Xena’ Star Lucy Lawless: 2; ‘Hercules’ Actor Kevin Sorbo: 0

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 8, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 8, 2021 |


If you didn’t know that Hercules star Kevin Sorbo was a far-right, Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist, then you’ve probably never seen a picture of him. I don’t want to stereotype or anything, but what you don’t see in that image above is that Sorbo tucks his sunglasses into the waistband of his jeans. He also has the same haircut my father had …. in 1991. And if you think I’m being harsh because I’m judging a book by its cover, I do so to illustrate a point: You can’t judge a Trump supporter by the horns on his head, although the Nazi tattoos usually give it away.

Sorbo, like Sean Hannity, Matt Gaetz, and some others, endeavored to suggest that the insurrection on the Capitol was a false-flag operation conducted by Antifa, and while I appreciate that Sorbo at least understood that the insurrection was bad, one had to wonder why Donald Trump kept telling those Antifa insurrectionists that he “loved them” and why did Antifa do exactly what Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and Josh Hawley encouraged them to do?

Lucy Lawless — who starred in Xena, a spin-off of Hercules — shot back at Sorbo, and you can tell by the way she looks that she is a gorgeous, flawless human being who does not support right-wing conspiracy theories. To wit:

Ms. Lawless’ Twitter account is fantastic, by the way. She uses Peanut disparagingly quite frequently, and she has a cute, goggle-wearing dog.

It’s not actually Lawless’ first Twitter victory over Sorbo, either. Here was some delightful shade a couple of years back.

Chrissy Teigen’s response was pretty good, too.