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Wilford Brimley Is Feeling His Quaker Oats And Getting Frisky On Twitter

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | August 7, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | August 7, 2018 |


Everybody’s favorite diabetic peepaw, Wilford Brimley, has been quietly proving his mettle as a master-tweeter. Because 2018’s head is so far up its own ass, it appointed accused rapist and winner of the World’s Worst Goatee Dye Job (three-year reigning champion) Steven Seagal as “Special Envoy to The U.S.” by The Russian Foreign Ministry. As a result, recent pictures of Seagal have emerged to assault our eyes anew. Steven’s looking less like the man of action he once was in his heyday, and is looking more and more like, well, like a villain from a Steven Seagal movie.

The uncomfortable preposterity of Steven’s new job aside, his current lewk really screams “hastily thrown together disguise”. This has not gone unnoticed.

Now, Wilford Brimley is 83 years of age, but that doesn’t mean he’s out of touch. Wilfred’s filters and alerts game is tight, because he #tooktotwitter to chime in on the comparison.

Wilfred has such a distinctive look, I think he frequently gets called out whenever there’s a man of a certain age still rocking the Old West Walrus look. He and Sam Elliot have got that market cornered. Lucky for us, Wilford seems game to play along.

Here’s Wilfred chiming in on the inevitable comparison to National Security Advisor, John “do these glasses make me look smart?” Bolton.

Wilford seems perfectly comfortable leaning into his image as a practical, level-headed, old fart. He knows he’s not a spry and nimble action star under the protection of Xenu’s mighty eye.

I really hate math, so I’m going to have to assume this is a true fact, and just go ahead and be gobsmacked right along with Wilford on that one.