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Why Did Jon Stewart Turn Down a Cameo In 'Star Wars'?

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 4, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 4, 2016 |

By now, you’ve most likely unearthed every one of Star Wars: The Force Awakenscelebrity cameos. Bill Hader, Ben Schwartz, Daniel Craig, the cast of The Raid, Simon Pegg, basically everyone from Game of Thrones… there were a LOT of cameos.

But according to Empire, who teased a whole bunch of the DVD’s bonus features before its release Tuesday, there was almost one more very impressive secret star. Jon Stewart was reportedly offered a role, but he turned it down.

I’m sorry, WHAT? Why the hell would Jon Stewart turn down a Star Wars cameo? Has his retirement beard grown inward and wrapped its follicles around his brain? No, according to the magazine, “he wanted to play a good guy.” Unfortunately, the only option they had to give was for Stewart to play a Stormtooper. And I suppose he could have created his own secret Finn-like backstory of a drone with a heart of gold, but that must not have seemed like a worthwhile option.

That’s Jon Stewart, folks. He can’t even pretend to be a bad guy.