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Here's Your New Hardcore TV Crush: Take 2 (Prepare Your Body)

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 20, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 20, 2016 |

Two years ago, ABC was kind enough to put a man named Joshua Sasse at your feet. He sang. He danced. He slayed in a show that, sadly, only 6 of you watched, and only for a season. It was called Galavant.


If you were a fan of Galavant, you are a fan of Joshua Sasse, although you might be forgiven for not investing yourself fully, what with Timothy Omundson chewing all the scenery. Moreover, Sasse was too often shrouded in his knight get-up.


Sasse — who is oddly enough the fiancé of Kylie Minogue, who is two decades older — will get another crack at your hearts (and lions) this fall in a new show from The CW called No Tomorrow. I know that many of you are very serious movie fans, or comic-book geeks, and high-minded indie-movie nerds, and that is appreciated. But a good romantic comedy never hurt anyone, right? You like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? You like Jane the Virgin? Cool, because this new show comes from the scribe behind Jane the Virgin, and if you’ll ignore the high-concept premise for a moment and simply bathe in the trailer for the series, I think it’s charm will win you over.

More importantly, Sasse — now with a fuller, manlier beard — will win you over, mostly with his charming English accent and his shirtlessness and pantlessness and general disregard for the societall norms (because, you see, his character believes the apocalypse is nigh, so he’s a walking-talking Carpe Diem).

Before you dismiss it, at least wait for the Whitesnake scene.

Dear Lord, that man is handsome. Here he is on the set of a short-lived Canadian show called Rogue.

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I am 4/5ths straight, and I’m pretty sure he just impregnated me.