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What’s Ryan Reynolds Up To Today?

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | October 23, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | October 23, 2018 |


If you have an idea, congratulations! You’re a connoisseur of R-squared. I’m sure he appreciates your support!

If you have to ask, you’re not a fan. Guess what, hotshot? Today is Ryan Reynold’s birthday, and you forgot about it, didn’t you? Some fan you are.

You may try to (weakly) claim that you wonder what he’s up to every Tuesday, but we both know that’s a lie. You forgot. No cake, no card, no present. You’re a bad friend, friend.

You know who didn’t forget about him today? Hugh Jackman. He’s a real friend. He even let Reynolds hug him, which to be fair, we’d all like to do.

Here’s some other birthday greetings from his friends (of which you cannot count yourself among, unless you can; which in that case, good work on being a friend to Ryan Reynolds! I’m sure he appreciates you, because good friends are one of life’s treasures.)

(I don’t blame him, here)

Sure, Ellen’s a little lazy in this greeting, opting for a two-fer, but she still acknowledged the birthday!

Look, you know you’ve made it in life when an airline is tweeting happy birthday to you!


So if you’re wondering what a handsome, leading man does to celebrate his birthday, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of beach getaway or trip to an island only millionaires know about.

I mean, sure, pre-2016, I bet that’s most likely what Ryan Reynolds would have been doing, today—but midterms are coming.

Ryan Reynolds voted on his birthday.


So, if you’re feeling bad about forgetting his birthday, I’m pretty sure you can make it up to him by voting in lieu of sending a card or tweeting your apologies.