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What the Hell Are They Trying to Pull With These Hiddleswift Pictures?

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | June 16, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | June 16, 2016 |

Last night, Vivian brought you the news that brought Twitter to its knees, that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating, or at the very least reenacting the opening scene of Grease.

Let’s break down these images. Because something in the picturesque, cinematic water ain’t clean.

I don’t even know what to say. Because pictures like this don’t just happen. This is what intimate pictures of celebrity couples normally look like, blurry, shot from miles away through fences and windows. Not literal actual frolicking through a standard lens.

These photos were obviously on purpose. That is a certainty. This is by no means an intrusive paparazzi situation. This was a fully orchestrated set-up. Don’t be naive.

The question is…why?

There’s taking control of the narrative and then there’s…this. Whatever this is. There’s a carefully planned arrival at a restaurant while holding hands. There’s a low-key (DON’T) post to Instagram. There’s a script to this kind of thing.

Goddamn From Here to Eternity complete with selfies is not it. It smacks of desperation, the very perceived desperation Swift has worked to eradicate from her image, only this is actively pursued desperation. And Hiddleston? This is just confusing. Is he not *above* this? Is she not *above* this?

Because these photos reminded me of two moments in celebdom:


Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 10.02.26 AM.png

These are F-list reality stars calling the paps for “candids” that could not be more soaked in Try. Taylor Swift is an A+-list star and Hiddleston is a serious actor. They don’t need to do this.

So why are they doing this?

I can’t even begin to speculate. Every reason just leads me back to “but why like this?” All I know is I’m confused.