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What The HeLL Happened To Sam Neill?!?

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 4, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 4, 2020 |


Sam Neill is a gift. When he’s not making incredible movies like Jurassic Park, The Piano and Hunt For The Wilderpeople, he’s kicking around his vineyard, chilling with his menagerie of farm animal friends. So you mess with Sam Neill, and you mess with us! So…WHO HURT OUR SAM NEILL!

Look at that header! We woke up this morning, glad to see a fresh bit of from-the-vineyard Sam Neill content and were greeted with an image of this beloved actor with a patched-up eye! WHAT HAPPENED!? Was it a fight with a wild boar? Is he playing a pirate and going method? Did he get a bionic eye to better judge the visual appeal of his Two Paddocks wine?

Neill answers our questions in the video below, which is very on-brand in that it is offbeat and charming.

Calm down, everyone. Sam Neill is okay.

No one dared fight Dr. Alan Grant, who took on a T-Rex and lived to tell the tale (hopefully in the eventually coming Jurassic World: Dominion.) He hasn’t replaced one of those dazzling baby blues with a bionic eye. Someone just sliced the lens off his eye to improve his vision. After four to six weeks of recovery from this cataract surgery, he’ll be good as new. No worries. Sam Neill is fine. Fine like a fine wine. Fine like a sunny summer day. Fine like a silver fox who sings to us to thrill us when we need it most.

The Pajiba Ten campaign for Sam Neill begins here.