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What Are Celebrities Up To? Weird Al, Patti LuPone, Sam Neill And John Mayer Edition

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 25, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 25, 2020 |


Wondering what celebrities are up to? Here’s a peek into the hobbies, lives, and homes of Weird Al Yankovic, Patti LuPone, Sam Neill, And John Mayer.

Weird Al Yankovic is playing the accordion. Pretty normal stuff for him.

Sam Neill is back to serenade us some more with the help of his uke!

John Mayer is trying his hand at comedy with a bit inspired by Gal Gadot’s “Imagine” vid.

Finally, Broadway legend Patti LuPone is showing off her basement. That is not a euphemism.