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Untouched Photo of Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein Ad Reveals 'Manhood' to Be More Like 'Boyhood'

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 9, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 9, 2015 |

A website called is claiming that it has an untouched photo of Justin Bieber from his recent Calvin Klein ad, and if so, it confirms that Mark Wahlberg’s wife had suggested on Twitter: “My baby was the 1st and the best and not to mention… the retouching … Mark Wahlberg Calvin Klein ads—google search that’s the real….ain’t gonna lie. Just gonna say this…did you ever hear the song #aintnuthingliketherealthingbaby.”

The tweet has since been deleted, as the Beliebers sniffed it out and began viciously attacking her with their little bitty palms.

Anyway, here’s the alleged before and after:

Exclusive: @JustinBieber’s unretouched @CalvinKlein photo #BreatheHeavy #MyCalvins

Ett filmklipp publicerat av (@breatheheavycom)

Looks like he may have lost some, uh, girth there, which is FINE. I mean, the photoshopped one is kind of unsettling, in that you’d hate that a guy like that little shit is also walking around with a firehose in his Calvins. What’s more amusing is that, in the photoshopped version, they had to shrink his disproportionately-sized head. They also (allegedly) made his hands bigger. Why would you make a dude’s hands bigger?

Meanwhile, Bieber fans are also threatening to kill the model that Bieber posed with in the Calvin Klein ads because they are obviously very rational people with a level head on their shoulders.