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Twitter Reacts To Taron Egerton's Shocking New Look

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | April 10, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | April 10, 2020 |


English actor Taron Egerton has been inspiring thirst in fans since he broke out as the streetsmart rookie spy, Eggsy, in Kingsman: The Secret Service. Since then, he’s charmed us with his swagger, willingness to be silly, and his should-have-won-him-an-Oscar performance in the Elton John musical biopic Rocketman. Today, he shocked and awed fans on social media, revealing a radical new look.

Check it out below:

During an Instagram Live event, the Kingsmen star revealed the why behind this dramatic makeover. It’s basically what’d you’d guess. Like Carson Daly and so many of us, he can’t get to the barber. So DIY haircuts it is!

Some were on board for the boldly bald look.

Others, not so much.

Some had fun with it.

So of all these comparisons, who wore bald best?

Header Image Source: Getty