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Taron Egerton Is Sweetly Confounded By Your Thirst Tweets

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 31, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 31, 2019 |


Today, Taron Egerton struts into theaters with the spectacular Elton John biopic Rocketman. To celebrate, this dreamy Welsh ingedude dared to look into the dark desires of his online fandom by reading thirst tweets for Buzzfeed. Watch him get flushed, flattered, and flummoxed by all the deliciously wild ways thirst is expressed in 280 characters or less.

Aside from being adorable, this video is a swift introduction to the range of thirst tweets. Sure, some are sweet and coy, describing your perfect man then revealing a celeb’s name. Some are playful, giving a star’s physical attributes cheeky nicknames like “Taron Egerton’s pip pip cheerio ass.” Then some employ a glorious use of hyperbole to sing the praises of a singularly lust-inspiring feature, like “I’ll let Taron Egerton slit my throat with his jawline.”

Watching the Kingsman: Secret Service star puzzle that one out is delightful. But also, his confounded expression reflects a confusion common among those who just don’t get thirst writing. It’s not just about lust and lions, people! It’s about a sexual excitement so giddy, wild, and maybe a bit juvenile that to properly capture it you might employ visual language that’s unapologetically shocking, deliciously strange, and even a wee bit violent. THIS freedom of expression is the joy of a thirst post for the writer and the reader! And while Egerton might be thrown by its style and vulgarities, it’s lovely of him to play along all the same.

Rocketman is now in theaters.