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Tupac's Break-Up Letter To Madonna And Other Items Are Headed For The Auction Block

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | April 24, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Celebrity | April 24, 2018 |


Attention material boys and girls! A judge has decided that a number of Madonna’s personal items, including a break-up letter from Tupac Shakur, can be sold at auction despite the singer’s objections. An online auction house called Gotta Have Rock and Roll had originally planned to auction the items last year, but when Madge got wind that her knickers were going to be sold (yes, Madonna’s “personally worn panties” are on offer!), she filed a restraining order. But yesterday’s ruling means that even Madonna has to live by the golden rule of finders-keepers. So panty-sniffers, get your affairs in order; the auction for the items (23 in all) in Madonna’s 1990’s era vault is a-go for July.

According to NBC News, Madonna didn’t even know the items were no longer in her possession when they were first offered up for auction by a woman named Darlene Lutz. Darlene was once a friend, art consultant and personal assistant to Madonna. After a 2003 falling out and subsequent legal dispute over some artwork, Madonna signed some shit (that she is now regretting) that prohibited “any and all future claims” against Darlene. The existence of that document was the basis for the judge’s denial of Madge’s restraining order.

So now a letter that Tupac wrote to Madonna in 1995, just one year before his murder, telling her he couldn’t be with her anymore because she was white, can be yours for the low, low price of… it doesn’t matter, you can’t afford it. Opening bids for the Tupac letter started at $100,000 last July before the auction was halted.

Other items in the lot include the aforementioned panties, a used hairbrush, personal photos and the thing I’m currently saving up all my milk money for, a letter Madonna wrote in which she called Whitney Houston and Sharon Stone “horribly mediocre”. Girl, you may have dated Pac but that does not give you the right to come for Whitney. But I love that she tried it.

But I’ll let Whitney speak to that herself.

And no, we did not just have another Great American Eclipse; that was simply exquisite shade, expertly thrown.