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Try Not to Faint As Tom Hiddleston Speaks About Love and Cake

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | October 13, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | October 13, 2015 |

Ever charming Tom Hiddleston is currently making the publicity rounds for Crimson Peak — which opens this Friday — and as usual he comes off as the loveliest person you’d ever want to meet. Speaking of ghostly, magical things, I don’t know if pheromones are able to seep through video like some kind of scratch and sniffy (can you imagine?) magic, but whenever we seen him in interviews, I feel slightly faint.


For instance at the 2:11 mark in this video when the Hiddles speaks about love, let’s just say, BEWARE: UNEXPECTED SWOONING MAY OCCUR WHILE WATCHING. (I should probably add in a disclaimer about how you shouldn’t watch while pregnant or drinking alcoholic beverages. WE CAN’T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HIDDLES’ POWER.)

If you didn’t feel chills as he waxed poetic about falling in love, I hereby declare you officially dead. Oh, and that silly interviewer almost ruined the mood with her analytical b.s. (I officially* declare her fired!), but Tom set her straight.


Not one to shy away from the important things in life, the Hiddles also spoke about CAKE. Delicious, yummy, fluffy, glorious CAKE.

“Cake is a genuine pleasure, and so I don’t feel guilty about it.”

How is this man not surrounded by cake bakers and people who want to be in love at all times? If you single folks don’t get your act together, I’m going after him. And let’s not forget about this:

Thumbnail image for hiddlescrawl.gif

Race you to the theater, Friday.

*I’m not really in a position to, but if I were, I would!

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)