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Trump's Porn-Star Girlfriend Answers the Question No One Wanted to Know: Boxers or Briefs?

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 16, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 16, 2018 |


There’s no reason whatsoever for me to post this news. 1) It has nothing to do with policy, or anything even remotely substantive. 2) It comes from an episode of Megyn Kelly, which just makes it worse; and 3) no one wants to have this image seared into their brains.

And that’s exactly why I am posting it. If my mindhole has to see it, your mindhole has to see it. Mi casa es su brain trauma. This account comes from Alana Evans, a friend of Trump’s old mistress, Stormy Daniels, who described to Evans the scene in Trump’s hotel room the day after she and Trump invited her over for a threesome (she declined):

“I asked how it went,” Evan said before breaking into nervous laughter. “I’m sorry, but the visual that I get has stuck with me for this entire time. I’m glad that you guys all have to deal with it too. Having her tell me the next day when I asked how did it go, and she says, ‘Well, picture this: Donald Trump chasing me around the bedroom in his tighty whities,’ isn’t something you ever forget.”

She continued, “At that point, it was so much information for me that I really didn’t want to ask any more questions. It was enough of a statement at that point, and I left it alone.”

Do you see it? Do you see it in your mind’s eye? Picture it, damnit! Live in this moment with me.

Oh, and if you’re interested: Jacob Weisberg over on Slate has a lot more details about the affair, including that he offered to buy Stormy Daniels a condo and promised to put her on The Apprentice. He also said that Trump tried to pay another woman $10,000 to sleep with him.

One other fascinating detail is that Stormy Daniels spoke to several outlets about the affair before the election, with the intention of selling her story, because she worried that Trump would not actually pay out the settlement after he lost the election.

One other interesting tidbit: Stormy Daniels is not allowed to speak about the affair under the NDA, but the existence of the NDA confirms the affair, because why else would she have an NDA?

Source: EW