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Here's Something Gross Unrelated to Trump: Tony Bennett First Met His Wife While She Was a Fetus

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 16, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 16, 2016 |

Sometimes we need to step away from the political realm and remember there’s still so much to be disgusted by wholly unrelated to that world. This is one of those times. *softly caresses your face while smiling, wretches, keeps touching your face*

On that note, the first time Tony Bennett met his wife, she was in utero.

Tony Bennett wrote a new book called Just Getting Started. In it, the 90-year-old discusses his wife, Susan Benedetto, who is now 50. But she used to be negative-months-old and that’s when he met her. He was 40. His in-laws were big fans, so they were very excited to take a picture with him at a show. And then they were excited to know someday he would totally bang their little girl. Happy Thanksgiving!

“As fate would have it, Marion was pregnant at the time with … Susan! It’s a photo we all laugh about, knowing the incredible turn of events that followed,” Bennett explained.

HAHA! Fer fun! He has sex with that baby. Ahhh, I’m glad we can laugh.