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Tom Welling Got Married and Turned Into Suburban Karl Urban

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 3, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 3, 2019 |


Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Tom Welling married Jessica Rose Lee, with whom he already has a child. His wife is the founder of the lifestyle brand Saddle Club. Think: Denim, horses, and camouflage, or stylish redneck. Here’s a picture of Tom Welling promoting the brand:


I’m not gonna lie: The look works for him. It kind of makes me want to wear camouflage. What I can’t get over, however, is how much Welling looks like Karl Urban in his middle-age years, if Karl Urban grew up on a farm. Look at this, from an episode of Lucifer:


It’s like an ill-fitting Karl Urban mask. He’s even got the Karl Urban raised eyebrow thing going on.


Anyway, congrats to the couple and all, but forty-something Superboy freaks me out. Upside: If there are any studio executives saying, “I really like Karl Urban for this part, but we need a more American looking Urban,” I think you’ve found your guy.”

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