By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 8, 2017 |
By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 8, 2017 |
GQ has a profile of Tom Hiddleston up today, and , and it’s largely about two things: How incredibly earnest and enthusiastic a person Tom Hiddleston is (he loves Heat and David Bowie and Matt Damon and President Obama sooo much) and how heartbroken he seems to be about his break-up with Taylor Swift.
There’s precious few quotable bits in the profile, but the sense one gets from the author, Taffy Bridesser-Akner, is that Hiddleston feels unsure about talking about his relationship with Swift — a relationship he insists was real — but also, that three-month relationship is all he seems to want to talk about.
According to Swift or her people or the rumors her people put out, the relationship ended because Hiddleston was too public about his affection. After reading this profile — and Hiddleston’s general enthusiasm for everything — that explanation jibes. He earnestly explained, for instance, why he was wearing that “I ♥ T.S.” tank top that he was photographed by the paparazzi wearing, saying that it was a joke among friends, that he had scratched his back and needed a shirt to cover the injury from the sun, and the “I ♥ T.S.” was all that was laying around, so he wore it, mostly for laughs.
But it also seems like it was more than just a joke, rather — according to Hiddleston — it was “an emblem of this thing.” That this changed his life, that it pushed him into the limelight, that he couldn’t take a run in the morning without being followed by the paparazzi. But Swift is an “amazing woman,” he insists.
After opening himself up to the author with what was probably quite a bit of off-the-record soul-baring, Hiddleston emailed Taffy Bridesser-Akner the morning after the interview and asked to come over to her hotel.
The next morning, I wake up at five to pack for my flight back to New York, and I see an e-mail from Tom, sent the night before, asking if he could come to my hotel to talk to me about something. I tell him yes. He lives 20 minutes away; 15 minutes later he knocks on my door.He explains that he wants to be honest with me, that it would be hypocritical of him to talk about honesty in the world and then not be with me. I have to understand, he says, that a relationship is between two people, that it doesn’t belong to him alone. But like David Cameron now knows, it is neither practical nor wise to let rumors hang in the air. He wants me to know that he has no regrets, he says, “because you have to fight for love. You can’t live in fear of what people might say. You know, you have to be true to yourself.”
But I understood all that, I tell him. I understood last night. It’s six in the morning, Tom. I have a flight to catch. And he shakes his head, feeling foolish because maybe there was something he thought he could say that wasn’t quite coming out the right way, and instead he says, “Yeah, okay, I just wanted to make sure.”
I turn my tape recorder off and I stand up, but he doesn’t. He shakes his head again, his hands clasped together, and he hangs his head. I sit back down and we talk some more because I finally understand that he isn’t here as someone who needs to explain his side in a PR battle; he’s here as someone who is still crushed by the end of a relationship.
That sounds like an earnest guy who is both hurting and incredibly unsure of himself, which is how most of us mere average mortals feel after a devastating break-up provoked by the nature of a relationship where one side feels much more strongly about the other than the other side feels about him.
Poor Hangdog Hiddleston. He flew too close to the sun, and now all he can do is wait for the inevitable Taylor Swift song about that guy who was too clingy and needy for her. No wonder Hiddleston tackily used his Golden Globes to boost his own ego, because right now, it’s shot.
Source: GQ