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There's Going to be a 24/7 Taylor Swift Channel. No We Don't Know Why

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 29, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 29, 2016 |

I don’t know about you, but I’m feelin’ 22+2 hours per day of Taylor Swift! HOLLA! RAISE THE ROOF! SQUAD! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhhhh *dies*

God. Haven’t we been through enough?

Taylor Swift Now is a channel devoted to Taylor Swift. Like, a whole channel. All day and night. Just Taylor Swift.


I DON’T KNOW. Because our world is broken and terrible and Taylor Swift has chosen this as a sparkly magical fairy hill to plant her dumb flag on because who’s paying attention and Trump TV obviously didn’t work out so they had the extra bandwidth and we’ll all be dead soon anyway so why not WHY THE FUCK NOT.

Ahem. Anyway. You can get Taylor Swift Now for videos and concert footage and “glimpses into Taylor’s life spanning her entire career” soon. But it won’t save you. IT WON’T SAVE ANY OF US.