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The Twitterverse Digs Deep for a #KanyeAnalPlaylist

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 29, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 29, 2016 |

When you wake up Friday morning and #KanyeAnalPlaylist is trending on Twitter, there’s really nothing to do but grease up and go with it. If you haven’t had your coffee yet, you may want to come back later.

Cornelius dipped in a…finger, and hey ho, we’re off.

Nicely done, Twitterverse! Thank god Petr for happy endings.

p.s. If you have no idea why such a playlist is happening, dig deep into the past (yesterday).

p.p.s. Yes, Nice and Slow is in there twice; you don’t want Kanye to suffer, DO YOU?

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)